
Is pdf-xchange editor safe
Is pdf-xchange editor safe

is pdf-xchange editor safe

XMP mechanism is more robust and powerful in comparison to the Info Dictionary method, and thus, it is the most widely used metadata standard for PDF files. Metadata in a PDF file is not usually compressed, and thus in the documents that are unencrypted, it appears in a format that is readable by all users. A valid mechanism for storage of data in PDF file uses the XML format with the help of XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) entries the other mechanism being the Info Dictionary, which usually consists of data pairs with key and corresponding matching values. The data about data, in other words metadata, is a well known risk area for PDF files, as it can be placed at any place within a file. The essential structure of PDF files involves a format which is binary in nature, with language that is loosely hinged on the PS (Post Script) language. With an increase in the usage of PDF files, much research has gone into identifying the kind of hidden data that may be contained by PDF files, along with their associated risks.

is pdf-xchange editor safe

The major reason that it is so successful is that it has appearance retention ability with regards to content that can span multiple types of clients, lesser unwanted leakage of data, and a broad set of features that provide support to varying user requirements. PDF file - how to remove metadata from PDF file or Portable Data Format is almost a de-facto standard when it comes to sharing documents and other information with the help of electronic means.

Is pdf-xchange editor safe