
Maui revealed guidebook
Maui revealed guidebook

in fact, here in my neck of the woods, a once "hidden gem" of a FREE beach on lake michigan suddenly became really popular over the course of a coupla years, so the village decided to smack it with an entry fee. i can understand why they don't like when these places are outed, but it is what it is. There are many in the forums who despise these books, but in a way, that could be a good sign-"revealing" off the beaten path stuff that only locals once knew about. the one thing i i'm not too impressed with is their resto recommendations. the maps are clear and accurate, and descriptions of sights are really good, for the most part. the revealed books (have copies for all 4 of the major islands) have been invaluable for all of our hawaii trips over the past 17 years, especially the earlier trips as we weren't familiar with the islands. Thanks and I hope this doesn't start a posting war! I'm really just looking for guidance on with my question and want to plan a successful vacation and respect the traditions / beliefs of the local population. I mean no disrespect to any local Maui / O'ahu residents, but I just want to know if the planning I have done by using these books has been a waste of time, or is the information in the books relating to popular attractions relevant. Anything that I've read that provides a detailed description on how to get to the attraction by ignoring signs, going down private roads.I have completely ignored and do not intend on visiting these sights. All of these are well know tourist attractions and I'm assuming are not on private property, therefore the advice in these books would be relevant. I've read both books, and if we take away the issue of trespassing on private property, I'm thinking that the books are still helpful because it does seem to give insight on the popular tourist attractions (ie, RTH, Haleakala, Nakalele blowhole, Kaanapali Beach, Black Rock, Waikiki, Turtle Bay, Diamondhead.ect).

maui revealed guidebook

I am wondering if the guidebook itself is not an accurate review of what the main sights to see / things to do on both Maui and O'ahu. However, in the book, the author does address this question.he doesn't endorse trespassing, ever. I have read on the TA forums that locals do not like these books due to the fact that some of the recommendations in the books endorses trespassing on private property. A friend of mine has given me both the Maui Revealed and O'ahu Revealed books. I have never been to any of the Islands in Hawaii, and we are making our first trip to Maui and O'ahu this summer.

maui revealed guidebook

Ok, so I know this is likely going to trigger a posting war, but I need to ask this question anyways.

Maui revealed guidebook